I Had a Digital Threesome and It Was Better than the Real Thing

You don’t need everyone to be in the room to have an amazing time

Emma Austin
Love, Emma


I can count the number of threesomes I’ve had on one hand, but it’s enough to have taught me a thing or two about good sex, bad sex, and what makes sex work.

All the ones I had were enjoyable on some level. It was exciting, risque, and novel. I got off several times. And in every case I was the one who was shared.

It helps that almost every single one of them involved my husband, which made me feel safer and more comfortable. It also meant that, no matter what, there would be at least one person there who knew exactly how to make me come.

My most recent threesome was unusual. My husband was there, yes, but our third wasn’t — not in the flesh anyway. He joined us digitally.

And even though his body was miles and miles away, he gave me the best threesome I ever had.

A Girl Never Forgets Her First (No Matter How Hard She Tries)

My first threesome was the worst I had. It wasn’t because we were all inexperienced or had trouble figuring the logistics of an MFM threeway. It’s because I did it for all the wrong reasons.



Emma Austin
Love, Emma

💜 Wholesome perv with a touch of whimsy 🖤 My podcast, spicy content, and more: https://www.loveemmaaustin.com/all-my-projects